Firefilm 70-60
Firefilm 70-60 je intumensenčni premaz na vodni osnovi, ki je namenjen požarni zaščiti jeklene konstrukcije. Ustrezna debelina premaza ščiti jekleno konstrukcijo glede na zahtevano požarno odpornost od R15 do R120 pri projektirani temperaturi med 350 in 750 stopinj celzija. Debelina premaza običajno določi projektant jeklenih konstrukcij, odvisna pa je od oblike jeklenih profilov, stopnje požarne zaščite, projektirane temperature in faktorja profila. Premaz FIREFILM proizvajajo v beli barvi, površina je gladka. Na jekleno konstrukcijo se nanaša strojno z brizganjem ali ročno z valjčkom ali čopičem. Barva ne vsebuje azbesta. Površina mora biti pred nanosom čista, suha, brez madežev olj, maščob, slabo sprijetih slojev barve,…
Pred premaz ( prajmer) ni nujno potreben, pred izvedbo se je potrebno posvetovati s tehnično službo proizvajalca. FIREFILM 70-60 ima pridobljeno tehnično soglasje številka ETA 12/0596. Tehnična dokumentacija je na voljo na naslednji povezavi Data sheet - Firefilm 70-60.
European organisation for Technical Approvals
Trade name: FirefiIm 70-60
Holder of the approval: carboline Italia S.p.A
Largo Donegani,2
20121 Milano
Tel: ÷39 02 25 37 51
Fax: +39 02 25 37 56 0
Internet:www.carboli neitalia .com
Generic type and use of
construction product(s): Reactive Coating for the Fire Protection of
Structural Steel
Validity from: 13th December 2012
to: 1"July 2o17
Manufacturing plant(s): Tremco Illbruck Ltd
Coupland Road,
Hindley Green,
wigan, UK
This European Technical
Approval contains: 10 pages and 1 Annex, 30 pages in total.
Selection and specification data
General Fireproofing system: water-based intumescent protective coating
Description FIREFILM 70-60 is a waterbome basecoat white thin film intumescent coating for the fire protection of intemnal structural steelwork
Features • Fully tested and approved UNl EN 13381-
8:2010 for 30, 60, and 90 cellulosic fire
• Easy to apply with spray, roller or brush
• Decorative finish - provides a smooth, decorative flnish Compatible topcoats available in a wide range of colours.
• Low VOC
• Asbestos free
• No specific primer required
• Suitable in less well ventilated areas
• Easy repair — if damaged it can be repaired easily using materials as putty
Primers The steel substrate must be primed with
compatible primer and be clean, dry and oil free, grease, loose mill scale, dirt, dust or other materials which would impair the bond of
FIREFILM 70-60 to the surface
Compatibility tests have been camexd out on a wide range of primers. Contact Carboline Technical service for confirmation of
Fireproofing Carboline approved topcoats are required.
Topcoats FlREFlLlM1 70-60 must be applied at the specific
DFF and be dry before applying a topcoat. The
choice of Topcoat will depend on project
Carboline approved Topcoats:
• Barton-P
• Wauret Exterior
Contact Carboline Technical Service for approval
or other topcoats.
Thickness 1ax 800u each layer
Theorical 0,7 I/mn2 at 0,5 mm
coverage Rates
Selection and specification data
WFT Brush <800 umn
wet film Thickness Spray < 1200 um
DFT Brush<576pm
Dry film Thickness Spray <864 um
Solids Content 72% ±2%
VOC max25gfl
Color White
Flash Point > 55 °C
Limitations Not recommended for steelwork subject to long-term surface temperatures over 60°C in normal use.
Surface preparation
General FIREFILM 70-60 should be applied onto a clean,
undamaged, dry and primed steel surface.
Galvanized Galvanised surfeces should be prepared by an
steel application of T-Wash or a mordant solution
followed by a compatible non-saponifiable pnmer.
The primer should be applied in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions.
Zinc Primer if a zinc rich primer is used, it is advisable to seal
this with a suitable tie coat prior to shipment to
site. If the steel is left exposed to the atmosphere
with just a zinc rich primer, surface salts may
build up on the steel.
Limitations Certain types of primers can cause adhesion
problems and should be avoided.
These include:
• chlorinated rubbers
• bitumen
• thermoplastic primers